How I Keep Looking Up/Como Sigo Mirando Hacia Arriba/仰望

I immigrated here alone, leaving behind my parents in China. They worry about me, and I worry about them. The sunflower at the top represents me. The two buds are my two kids. The flowers across the river are my parents.
The raging river is the distance separating me from my parents. It makes my heart ache to think that, if something happened, we cannot be there for each other, especially due to the pandemic. My flag is about this separation, love, and longing, and my desire that my parents know that I’m doing OK.
Inmigré aquí sola, dejando atrás a mis padres en China. Se preocupan por mí y yo me preocupo por ellos. El girasol de arriba me representa a mí. Los dos botones son mis dos hijos. Las flores al otro lado del río son mis padres.
El río furioso es la distancia que me separa de mis padres. Mi corazón duele al pensar que si algo pasara, no podríamos estar ahí para apoyarnos los unos a los otros, en particular a causa de la pandemia. Mi bandera trata sobre esta separación, amor, añoranza y mi deseo de que mis padres sepan que estoy bien.
This project is supported by Kenneth Rainin Foundation's Open Spaces Program.
Partners: Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, Chinese Progressive Association, Chinatown Community Development Center, Calle24 Latino Cultural District, Causa Justa :: Just Cause, La Colectiva de Mujeres

Additional Support: California Arts Council, California Department of Social Services, Community Challenge Grant, Office of Economic and Workforce Development, #StartSmall Foundation, San Francisco Foundation, Grants for the Arts, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Fleishhacker Foundation, Zellerbach Family Foundation, CCC Contemporaries
Special Thanks: Chinese Chamber of Commerce and San Francisco Chinese New Year Festival and Parade
Venue: 41 Ross, during Connie Zheng’s Table to Farm | 鄭韞欣: 從餐桌到農場 residency, June 15–September 15, 2022.