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Elsa Hernandez, a mother of two, loves cooking for her family and learning about other cultures. She is friendly and eager to meet new people. She shares, “Learning is a passion of mine. It’s never too late to learn something new.” Elsa Hernandez是兩個孩子的母親,她喜歡給家裡人煮飯,也喜歡接觸不同文化。友好的她希望結識更多的人。她說:“我很愛學習。學一樣新東西,永遠都為時不晚。“ Elsa Hernández tiene dos hijos, le encanta cocinar para su familia y aprender de otras culturas. Es amable y entusiasta por conocer nuevas personas. Comparte que, “Aprender es una de mis pasiones. Nunca es demasiado tarde para aprender algo nuevo.”

How I Keep Looking Up/Como Sigo Mirando Hacia Arriba/仰望 


I came to the US at age 17. I decided to take adult education night classes. Learning English changed my life and I feel proud of my new skills.

My flag communicates that knowledge is power. The butterfly represents the freedom that comes with this empowerment. The butterfly and I share similarities because we can be both fragile and strong. We’re strong enough to endure long journeys and to transform.



Llegué a EE.UU. cuando tenía 17 años. Decidí tomar clases nocturnas de educación para adultos. Aprender inglés me cambió la vida y me siento orgullosa de mis nuevas habilidades.

Mi bandera comunica que el conocimiento es poder. La mariposa representa la libertad que conlleva el empoderamiento. La mariposa y yo compartimos similitudes, ya que ambas podemos ser al mismo tiempo, frágiles y fuertes. Somos suficientemente fuertes para soportar largos viajes y transformarnos.



This project is supported by Kenneth Rainin Foundation's Open Spaces Program.


Partners: Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, Chinese Progressive Association, Chinatown Community Development Center, Calle24 Latino Cultural District, Causa Justa :: Just Cause, La Colectiva de Mujeres

Additional Support: California Arts Council, California Department of Social Services, Community Challenge Grant, Office of Economic and Workforce Development, #StartSmall Foundation, San Francisco Foundation, Grants for the Arts, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Fleishhacker Foundation, Zellerbach Family Foundation, CCC Contemporaries

Special Thanks: Chinese Chamber of Commerce and San Francisco Chinese New Year Festival and Parade

Venue: 41 Ross, during Connie Zheng’s Table to Farm | 鄭韞欣: 從餐桌到農場 residency, June 15–September 15, 2022.

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