How I Keep Looking Up/Como Sigo Mirando Hacia Arriba/仰望
My flag design represents my resilience and surviving domestic violence. I know what it’s like to feel small and insignificant, like a bug. When I made the decision to leave, I got a puppy, which helped me heal my emotional scars. Now, as a Family Services Coordinator, I help other immigrant families, by listening to them, and connecting them to resources. In my flag, I am represented by the boat, and the ripple effects are the impacts of my service. The sun symbolizes the light of liberty.
El diseño de mi bandera representa mi resiliencia y que sobreviví a la violencia doméstica. Sé cómo es sentirse chiquita e insignificante, como un insecto. Cuando tomé la decisión de irme adopté un cachorro que me ayudó a sanar mis cicatrices emocionales. Ahora, como Coordinadora de Servicios para Familias, ayudo a otras familias inmigrantes, al escucharlas y conectarlas a los recursos que existen. En mi bandera, estoy representada por el barco y las ondas expansivas son los efectos de mi servicio. El sol simboliza la luz de la libertad.
This project is supported by Kenneth Rainin Foundation's Open Spaces Program.
Partners: Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, Chinese Progressive Association, Chinatown Community Development Center, Calle24 Latino Cultural District, Causa Justa :: Just Cause, La Colectiva de Mujeres
Additional Support: California Arts Council, California Department of Social Services, Community Challenge Grant, Office of Economic and Workforce Development, #StartSmall Foundation, San Francisco Foundation, Grants for the Arts, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Fleishhacker Foundation, Zellerbach Family Foundation, CCC Contemporaries
Special Thanks: Chinese Chamber of Commerce and San Francisco Chinese New Year Festival and Parade
Venue: 41 Ross, during Connie Zheng’s Table to Farm | 鄭韞欣: 從餐桌到農場 residency, June 15–September 15, 2022.