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Lupita Iraheta is a dynamic woman who practices solidarity. Getting her US residency quickly and being able to visit her family has been an unimaginable gift. In the workshops, she most enjoyed the feelings of being recognized and surrounded by designers pouring themselves into their flag designs. Lupita Iraheta是個活躍、有團隊精神的人。她覺得,快速获得美国居留权并能够探望家人,是個意外驚喜。這次工坊最令她開心的,是其他設計師的陪伴和認同和她們做旗時的專注。 Lupita Iraheta es una mujer dinámica que practica la solidaridad. Obtener su residencia en Estados Unidos rápidamente y poder ir a visitar a su familia ha sido un regalo inimaginable. Lo que disfrutó más de los talleres fue la sensación de ser reconocida y estar rodeada de las diseñadoras dedicadas al diseño de sus banderas.

How I Keep Looking Up/Como Sigo Mirando Hacia Arriba/仰望 


My flag design represents my resilience and surviving domestic violence. I know what it’s like to feel small and insignificant, like a bug. When I made the decision to leave, I got a puppy, which helped me heal my emotional scars. Now, as a Family Services Coordinator, I help other immigrant families, by listening to them, and connecting them to resources. In my flag, I am represented by the boat, and the ripple effects are the impacts of my service. The sun symbolizes the light of liberty.


El diseño de mi bandera representa mi resiliencia y que sobreviví a la violencia doméstica. Sé cómo es sentirse chiquita e insignificante, como un insecto. Cuando tomé la decisión de irme adopté un cachorro que me ayudó a sanar mis cicatrices emocionales. Ahora, como Coordinadora de Servicios para Familias, ayudo a otras familias inmigrantes, al escucharlas y conectarlas a los recursos que existen. En mi bandera, estoy representada por el barco y las ondas expansivas son los efectos de mi servicio. El sol simboliza la luz de la libertad.



This project is supported by Kenneth Rainin Foundation's Open Spaces Program.


Partners: Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, Chinese Progressive Association, Chinatown Community Development Center, Calle24 Latino Cultural District, Causa Justa :: Just Cause, La Colectiva de Mujeres

Additional Support: California Arts Council, California Department of Social Services, Community Challenge Grant, Office of Economic and Workforce Development, #StartSmall Foundation, San Francisco Foundation, Grants for the Arts, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Fleishhacker Foundation, Zellerbach Family Foundation, CCC Contemporaries

Special Thanks: Chinese Chamber of Commerce and San Francisco Chinese New Year Festival and Parade

Venue: 41 Ross, during Connie Zheng’s Table to Farm | 鄭韞欣: 從餐桌到農場 residency, June 15–September 15, 2022.

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