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Manuela raised both her daughters on her own. She was consistently present and she encouraged their professional ambitions. Now one daughter is about to start college, while the other will soon graduate from a university. Through her experiences as an activist, she has honed her skills in brainstorming and negotiation. She enjoys learning about politics and creating campaigns to expand rights. Manuela一手帶大兩個女兒,她一直在她們身邊,鼓勵她們追求事業理想。現在,她們一個剛邁入大學、另一個即將大學畢業。從社運經驗中,Manuela學會了頭腦風暴和談判。她關心政治,並時常會組織維權運動。 Manuela crió sola a sus dos hijas.Estaba constantemente presente y las animaba en sus ambiciones profesionales. Ahora, una de sus hijas empezará a estudiar, y pronto la otra se graduará de la universidad. Gracias a su experiencia como activista ha afinado sus capacidades para hacer lluvias de ideas y negociar. Disfruta aprender sobre política y crear campañas para conseguir más derechos.

How I Keep Looking Up/Como Sigo Mirando Hacia Arriba/仰望 


It took a lot for me to accept that someone I loved would hurt me. In group therapy, you can learn from everyone’s past difficulties and triumphs. It helps you to mature emotionally and achieve peace.

The steps in my flag represent the power of recovery and overcoming life challenges. The circles symbolize the unity and interdependence of healing by connecting with other humans. Through opening up and overcoming traumatic experiences from my home and family life, I was able to go back to my life, to regain the joy of living.



Me costó mucho trabajo aceptar que alguien que amaba podría hacerme daño. En terapia grupal, puedes aprender de las dificultades y triunfos pasados de las otras personas. Te ayuda a madurar emocionalmente y alcanzar la paz.

Los escalones en mi bandera representan el poder de la recuperación y superación de desafíos en la vida. Los círculos simbolizan la unidad e interdependencia de sanar a través de conectar con otros seres humanos. Al abrirme y superar experiencias traumáticas de mi hogar y vida familiar, fui capaz de regresar a mi vida y recuperar la alegría de vivir.



This project is supported by Kenneth Rainin Foundation's Open Spaces Program.


Partners: Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, Chinese Progressive Association, Chinatown Community Development Center, Calle24 Latino Cultural District, Causa Justa :: Just Cause, La Colectiva de Mujeres

Additional Support: California Arts Council, California Department of Social Services, Community Challenge Grant, Office of Economic and Workforce Development, #StartSmall Foundation, San Francisco Foundation, Grants for the Arts, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Fleishhacker Foundation, Zellerbach Family Foundation, CCC Contemporaries

Special Thanks: Chinese Chamber of Commerce and San Francisco Chinese New Year Festival and Parade

Venue: 41 Ross, during Connie Zheng’s Table to Farm | 鄭韞欣: 從餐桌到農場 residency, June 15–September 15, 2022.


750 Kearny St, 3rd Fl

San Francisco, CA 94108

(415) 986-1822

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© 2022 by Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco.

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