Episode 2016: Mind Flows With Brush 篇章2016:意隨筆行 Featuring guest curator Qian Zhijian, Ph.D. and artist Zhong Yueying.
The episode features guest curators, collectors, artists, and community organizations that exhibit a broad view of diverse works in Chinese culture and art. It complements the cutting-edge, innovative contemporary work established through the Foundation’s Visual Arts program, in exhibitions such as Present Tense Biennial, XianRui, and others curated by the organization.
The Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco is pleased to present Mind Flows With Brush, the 2016 installment of Episode. This exhibition is curated by Professor Qian Zhijian, Assistant Professor of Art History at City University of New York. Mind Flows With Brush features the ink-based works of Zhong Yueying, an artist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Instead of manipulating the ink, the artist allows the brush to take unpredicted journeys, flowing freely, leaving hand and mind unstrained. Mind Flows With Brush presents a sensational, cartographic experience, mapping the new continent located within one's inner universe.