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From the Bay to Atlanta: On Our Minds and in Our Hearts

poster credit: @goodgoodeatz and @civicdesignstudio510

From the Bay to Atlanta on our minds and in our hearts


Saturday, 3/20, 2021

*photo credit: EM Collective @emcollectve

CCC is proud to join the community to strongly stand against anti-Asian hate with Chinese Progressive Association (CPA)’s “From the Bay to Atlanta” rally at Portsmouth Square and to lead & organize arts activities.

Over 1,000 people came together to grieve for the eight lives lost in Atlanta, stand in solidarity for the Asian community, and combat all forms of anti-Asian racial and sexual violence. With artists, community partners, and Chinatown residents, we collected more than 200 multi-lingual love letters💌 to the community to express hope and a just future. We also built a collective altar and painted mural artworks on the ground.

We will continue to be a loud voice for social transformation, to show our love and support and stand firmly against all forms of racism and violence.

“From the Bay to Atlanta” rally hosted by Chinese Progressive Association (@chineseprogressiveassociation ) and co-sponsored by #fromTheBay2GA#communitysafetyandjustice#stopasianhate alongside many AAPI community organizations.

*photo credit: Joyce Xi

🦋Some of the murals participants created:


💌Multi-lingual Love Letters to the community written by participants on Dr. Rolland and Kathryn Lowe Community Bridge:


📰Press Coverage:

SF Chronicle



Los Angeles Times

Wind Newspaper

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