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[KTVU] SF Chinatown Artists Selected To Receive Monthly Funding For 18 Months

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. - Ten Chinatown artists in San Francisco were selected for monthly funding of $1,000 for 18 months as part of a guaranteed income pilot program for artists.

Artist Minxiong Li showing his negatives of his photos of Chinatown. (Photo courtesy of David Huang with Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco via Bay City News)

“Artists from our communities need sustainable support that can also be compatible with general safety net programs with no strings attached," says Jiatian Wu, engagement and evaluation analyst at the Chinese Culture Center. "We hope from this guaranteed income community pilot, we can showcase a model that can be supportive for these artists that are often forgotten."

Yerba Buena Center for the Arts first rolled out the guaranteed income pilot in May 2021. The program was designed to support artists living and working in the city of San Francisco disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The funds initially came from the San Francisco Arts Commission and later expanded through private funding.

Read the full report at the link below!



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