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OUT | 出 | MUSEUM: Queer Stage Series #1 Chinese LGBTQ+ Movement Activists Talk

OUT | 出 | MUSEUM: Queer Stage Series #1 Chinese LGBTQ+ Movement Activists Talk

Past, Present, Future of Chinese LGBTQ+ Movement

酷兒沙龍系列 #1 中國 LGBTQ+ 運動活動家談話

透過中國歷史文化看當代 LGBTQ+社群的發展

Lead Artist: Xiangqi Chen

Dates: May 11, 2024

Hours: Saturday, 2 pm - 4 pm

Location: 41 Ross, 41 Ross Alley, San Francisco, CA 94108

Presented by Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco
Program will be in English
The present-day Chinese LGBTQ+ culture is shaped by a complex constellation of major events, social changes, and historical narratives. We invite you to “OUT Museum’ s “Queer Stage Series” to hear from pivotal queer activists, Damien Lu and Raymond Phang, alongside 41 Ross Artist-in-Residence artist, Xiangqi Chen, to unpack insights and experiences within LGBTQ+ movements in China, mapping the movement’s past, present, and future. 

This artist-led programming is a part of the "OUT/出 MUSEUM," a Chinese queer museum prototype by Xiangqi Chen.  For a growing queer Chinese diasporic community, "OUT | 出" means to come out and be proud, while also alluding to the complicated realities of "getting out" of somewhere – whether driven by fear or by hope. From April 11 to June 29, 2024, the "prototype museum" is home to Xiangqi Chen’s personal collection, featuring an exhibition, films, panel talks, and a series of pop-up performances by Chinese queer and feminist artists. 

This event will be conducted in three parts: 


PART 1. “Past and Present of Chinese Attitude toward Sexual Minorities” by Damien Lu

PART 2. “Building and Connecting Lesbian Communities in China” by Xiangqi Chen

PART 3. “The History, Progress and Future of Shanghai Pride Festival” by Raymond Phang


Xiangqi Chen  

Xiangqi Chen, a prominent advocate and practitioner within the LGBTQ+ community in China, is a 2023 Georgetown University Visiting Scholar. Recognized for her impactful contributions, she was honored as one of TIMEOUT(Shanghai)'s 2018 Industry Leaders 50. Chen stands among the first generation of LGBTQI+ activists in China, dedicating over two decades to the advancement of the movement. Her journey began in 2002 when she founded the Chinese Lesbian website. In 2005, she established Shanghai Nvai, the first grassroots NGO devoted to lesbian women in Shanghai. Notably, she served as the inaugural and subsequent Secretary General of the Chinese LALA Alliance in 2008.

In 2012, Chen orchestrated the “I can be slutty, but you cannot harass me” (我可以騷,你不能擾)performance art against sexual harassment in the subway, sparking the first national dialogue on sexual harassment in China. Further showcasing her commitment, in 2013, she produced "From the Vagina," a documentary presenting a decade-long history of the development of the feminist drama "The Vagina Monologues" in China. During 2018-2019, Chen directed a first-of-its-kind documentary film "Shanghai Queer," offering a comprehensive portrayal of the development of Shanghai’s LGBTQI+ movement over the past 15 years. 

Damien Lu

Damien Lu began working with Asian LGBTQI+ and transgender communities in the 1980s, and organized one of the earliest internet forums for Asian LGBTQI+ individuals worldwide. In 1999, he joined the newly established website, AiBai, which provides crucial information for Chinese-speaking LGBTQI+ individuals globally. Over the past 25 years, he has served as the host of AiBai's LGBTQI+ column, answering questions on mental and physical health, HIV/AIDS, relationships, and other concerns of Mandarin-speaking LGBTQI+ individuals.

Since 2004, he has lectured at Chinese universities, government agencies, and non-profit organizations, on topics such as discrimination, diversity, and HIV/STI prevention. He is the founder and president of the China Information Clearinghouse on Gay and Lesbian (ICCGL), a registered non-profit organization in California aimed at supporting China's LGBT movement.

Raymond Phang

Born and raised in Penang, Malaysia, Raymond Phang was awarded the Confucius Institute Scholarship and pursued Linguistics in Shanghai, China. He is a growing professional in marketing technology and digital commerce for award-winning global digital experience and solutions companies. He is currently pursuing his MBA at Asia School of Business in collaboration with MIT Sloan Management.

As part of the founding team of ShanghaiPRIDE, Raymond leads the ShanghaiPRIDE Film Festival, Workplace DEI and Red Ribbon Gala. He is a distinguished speaker, specializing in LGBTQ+ inclusion issues in China and Asia, and frequently shares his insights at corporate diversity forums, TEDx events, and top educational institutions. Recently, he spoke at the 2021 Copenhagen World Pride, represented Shanghai Pride at the 2022 ILGA World Conference held in Los Angeles, and was invited to the inaugural International LGBTQI+ Advocates Summit at Harvard Kennedy School.


酷兒沙龍系列 #1 中國 LGBTQ+ 運動活動家談話


時間:5月11日,週六 下午2:00至4:00時




這個活動是舊呂宋巷41號(41 Ross)藝術家駐地項目「OUT/出 MUSEUM」(試水中國酷兒博物館)的一部分。對於不斷增長的酷兒華裔社區,“OUT | 出”意味著出櫃並自豪,同時也暗示著“出離”的複雜現實——無論是出於恐懼還是希望。從2024年4月11日到6月29日,“試水博物館”將舉辦一系列由中國酷兒和女權主義藝術家參與的展覽、電影、專題討論和快閃表演。

PART 1. 中國對性少數群體的態度--古典與現代

PART 2. 中國女同性戀社群的建立與連結

PART 3. 上海驕傲節的歷史、進展和未來



陳想起是中國LGBT社群的推動者和踐行者,她受邀成為2023年美國喬治城大學訪問學者,她因其具有影響力的貢獻而入選《TIMEOUT》( 上海)2018年業界領袖50人。

陳想起是中國第一代LGBT活動家之一,參與中國LGBT運動超過20年。 從2002年建立中國拉拉網站到2005年創立上海第一個關注女同志的LGBT草根機構「女愛」;2008年被推選為華人拉拉聯盟的第一屆秘書長;2008-2012年曾分別 建立了上海性/別/ LGBT文化中心和女性主義咖啡館;2012年策劃和發起“我可以騷你不能擾”反地鐵性騷擾的行為藝術,引發了中國第一次針對性騷擾的全民討論;2013年擔任《來自陰道》製片人,呈現了女性主義話劇《陰道獨白》在中國發展的十年曆史;2018年-2019年擔任導演製作完成《上海酷兒》,呈現上海15年LGBTQ運動發展歷史的 紀錄片。

Damien Lu



Raymond Phang 

Raymond Phang在馬來西亞檳城出生並成長,後來因獲得孔子學院獎學金,前往上海交通大學攻讀語言學。他是行銷科技和電商領域的資深專家,在多家屢獲殊榮的全球數位體驗和解決方案公司中累積了豐富的經驗。目前,他正在Asia School of Business in collaboration with MIT Sloan Management攻讀MBA學位。

身為上海驕傲節的共同創辦人,Raymond成功組建了志工管理團隊,並負責上海驕傲電影節、職場多元共融論壇以及紅絲帶慈善晚宴等活動的策劃和執行。 Raymond也是一位廣受歡迎的演講者,擅長討論中國和亞洲的 LGBTQ+ 融合問題。他經常在企業多元化論壇、TEDx 活動和頂級教育機構分享自己的見解。最近,他在 2021 年哥本哈根世界驕傲大會上發表了演講,代表上海驕傲組織參加了 2022 年在洛杉磯舉行的 ILGA 世界大會,並受邀參加了在哈佛大學肯尼迪學院舉行的首屆國際 LGBTQI+ 倡導者峰會。


About CCC

Established in 1965, CCC (the Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco) stands as a non-profit arts organization with a rich legacy spanning over 50 years. Throughout its history, CCC has played a pivotal role in elevating Chinatown through the arts, as both a vibrant neighborhood and a poignant metaphor for the immigrant experience. In recent years, CCC has undergone transformative growth, presenting thought-provoking international exhibitions and engaging educational programs. The organization’s commitment to spotlighting pressing and nuanced issues of our time sparks essential dialogues, uniting diverse perspectives and inspiring meaningful actions toward a more inclusive and equitable society. Some of its iconic programming includes “Chinatown History and Art Walking Tour,” “XianRui: Artist in Excellence Series,” “41 Ross: Artist-in-Residence,” and the new “Hungry Ghost Festival.” 

About 41 Ross and AIR Program 

41 Ross is a unique community art space located in the historic Ross Alley in San Francisco Chinatown. As a partnership between the Chinese Culture Center and the Chinatown Community Development Center, it represents an experimental collaboration between a contemporary art center and a neighborhood development organization. Since its inception in 2014, the 41 Ross Artist-in-Residence has served as an exchange platform for emerging or underexplored API/BIPOC artists, fostering the development of their work and the expansion of community-based practices within San Francisco's Chinatown. The program builds upon the CCC’s unique decades-long legacy in providing a platform for the artists’ experimental, conceptual, and research-based practices in an environment that strikes the balance between foregrounding artistic exploration, working within a cultural community, and promoting exchange amongst wider audiences. Past projects include, but are not limited to: Keyword School (2014), Chinatown Pretty (2015), Chinatown Home Cooking (2016), Liminal Space (2017), Art, Culture and Belonging in Chinatown and Manilatown (2020-21), and Table to Farm (2022).


自從1965年,成立50余年來,中華文化中心(CCC)通過藝術,將華埠提升為活躍社區和移民經歴的象徵。近年,CCC不斷成長。通過發人深思的跨國藝術展和教育項目,CCC挑戰當下最迫切的複雜議題,用對話連結不同視角,觸發真正有助社會達到平等公正的行動。最受矚目的項目包括「華埠歷史和藝術導遊」、「鮮銳 :藝術家個展系列」、「41 Ross舊呂宋巷藝術家駐地項目」和最新的「華埠鬼節」。 


Presented by:


41 Ross AIR Supported by:

Chinatown Arts Promotion Support:

Additional Support:
California Department of Social Services – Stop the Hate Program, Grants for the Arts, Walter and Elise Haas Fund, San Francisco Foundation, CCC Contemporaries

750 Kearny St, 3rd Fl

San Francisco, CA 94108

(415) 986-1822

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© 2022 by Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco.

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