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OUT | 出 | MUSEUM: Queer Stage Series #3 Queer Feminist Open Mic - Voices from Coast to Coast


Queer Stage Series #3 Queer Feminist Open Mic

Voices from Coast to Coast

酷兒沙龍系列 #3 酷兒女權開放麥


Date: Friday, June 14, 2024

Time: 7 pm - 8: 30 pm

Location: 41 Ross, 41 Ross Alley, San Francisco, CA 94108


時間:晚7:00 -8:30時

地點:舊呂宋巷41號, 41 Ross Alley, San Francisco, CA 94108

Presented by Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco

Organized by Xiangqi Chen



CCC is proud to present Queer Feminist Open Mic, an evening of performance and Q&A with standup comedians exploring feminist and queer organizing in China. 41 Ross will host a rare gathering and joint-performance by 4 queer feminist comedian groups from across the country. The event will have a RSVP-only performance in Chinese, followed by a Q&A in English and Chinese that is open to the public.

During her residency at 41 Ross, queer artist and activist Xiangqi Chen will be convening comedians from the Bay Area, Washington DC, New York, and Seattle in a salon-style open mic, where they will each share a 5-minute set on everyday and activism. Seeing comedy as a form of advocacy, the program celebrates the role of humor in building resonance and resilience while uplifting feminist, queer, and diasporic voices. It also aims to empower Chinese-language comedians and listeners in a small, safe setting.

About the Comedian Groups

DC Crispy Feminists is a Chinese feminist group serving the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia. It is dedicated to building strength and vitality of the feminist community in the region.

Bay Area Chinese Feminist Open-mic, aka Wannv Standup, is an independent project/initiative founded at the beginning of 2023 by a collective of Chinese women (first-gen immigrants and young professionals) in the Bay Area. Its mission is to build a local feminist community for Chinese diasporas by providing them with safe and free spaces and supporting their free speech. Wannv empowers Chinese women to freely express themselves and their lived experiences through comedy.

SeaUni is a Chinese queer feminist community based in Seattle. It is dedicated to creating a safe space for self-expression for queers, women, feminists and other marginalized groups. SeaUni means “sea urchin”--spiky on the outside, soft on the inside. They embrace and encourage those who are excluded by mainstream society to speak their mind, and to see and support each other.

NZZY is a grassroots organization founded by and for the feminist Chinese diaspora, led by femmes and queers. Our mission is to cultivate collective empowerment and solidarity for social justice within the Chinese women and queer diaspora communities.

LALA Feminist Open Mic, rooted in the Los Angeles area, is a safe space that supports women and sexual minorities in creating and performing stand-up comedy in Chinese.

CCC驕傲地呈現酷兒女權開放麥,一次關於中國女權和酷兒議題的脫口秀表演和問答。 6月14日當晚,四支來自美國多個州的酷兒女權喜劇團隊會在舊呂宋巷41號相聚並同台演出。演出部分(中文)需事先預約,之後的問答環節(中英雙語)則會對外開放。




灣區女權開放麥,又名“灣女 ”,是一個在 2023 年初由一群居住在灣區的中國女性(均為第一代移民和年輕職業女性)發起的獨立項目/倡議。該計畫旨在為華人離散群體建立一個在地女權社區,為上述社區提供安全/免費的空間,並支持她們的言論自由。灣女致力於透過喜劇的形式賦權華人女性,鼓勵她們自由表達和講述生活經驗。

SeaUni 是一个位于西雅图的中文酷儿女权社群,旨在通过开放麦、脱口秀创作等方式,共建一个属于酷儿、女性、女权主义者等边缘化群体的可以表达自我的安全空间。SeaUni 是“海胆”的意思——外表带刺,内心柔软。在这里我们接纳并鼓励被主流社会边缘化的群体大胆开麦,看见和支持彼此。




About CCC

Established in 1965, CCC (the Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco) stands as a non-profit arts organization with a rich legacy spanning over 50 years. Throughout its history, CCC has played a pivotal role in elevating Chinatown through the arts, as both a vibrant neighborhood and a poignant metaphor for the immigrant experience. In recent years, CCC has undergone transformative growth, presenting thought-provoking international exhibitions and engaging educational programs. The organization’s commitment to spotlighting pressing and nuanced issues of our time sparks essential dialogues, uniting diverse perspectives and inspiring meaningful actions toward a more inclusive and equitable society. Some of its iconic programming includes “Chinatown History and Art Walking Tour,” “XianRui: Artist in Excellence Series,” “41 Ross: Artist-in-Residence,” and the new “Hungry Ghost Festival.” 

About 41 Ross and AIR Program 

41 Ross is a unique community art space located in the historic Ross Alley in San Francisco Chinatown. As a partnership between the Chinese Culture Center and the Chinatown Community Development Center, it represents an experimental collaboration between a contemporary art center and a neighborhood development organization. Since its inception in 2014, the 41 Ross Artist-in-Residence has served as an exchange platform for emerging or underexplored API/BIPOC artists, fostering the development of their work and the expansion of community-based practices within San Francisco's Chinatown. The program builds upon the CCC’s unique decades-long legacy in providing a platform for the artists’ experimental, conceptual, and research-based practices in an environment that strikes the balance between foregrounding artistic exploration, working within a cultural community, and promoting exchange amongst wider audiences. Past projects include, but are not limited to: Keyword School (2014), Chinatown Pretty (2015), Chinatown Home Cooking (2016), Liminal Space (2017), Art, Culture and Belonging in Chinatown and Manilatown (2020-21), and Table to Farm (2022).


自從1965年,成立50余年來,中華文化中心(CCC)通過藝術,將華埠提升為活躍社區和移民經歴的象徵。近年,CCC不斷成長。通過發人深思的跨國藝術展和教育項目,CCC挑戰當下最迫切的複雜議題,用對話連結不同視角,觸發真正有助社會達到平等公正的行動。最受矚目的項目包括「華埠歷史和藝術導遊」、「鮮銳 :藝術家個展系列」、「41 Ross舊呂宋巷藝術家駐地項目」和最新的「華埠鬼節」。 


Presented by:



41 Ross AIR Supported by:

Additional Support:
California Department of Social Services – Stop the Hate Program, Grants for the Arts, Walter and Elise Haas Fund, San Francisco Foundation, CCC Contemporaries

750 Kearny St, 3rd Fl

San Francisco, CA 94108

(415) 986-1822

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© 2022 by Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco.

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