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"Share the Square" Art Action Day in Solidarity with Black Lives Matter in San Francisco Chinatown


Video by filmmaker James Q Chan

See the full short film at CAAMFest, available on October 14-18, 2020!

In solidarity with Black Lives Matter, the Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco held “Share the Square” mural and art action at Portsmouth Square, a central and one of the most historic parks, a gathering space and site for public demonstrations in SF Chinatown over the Juneteenth weekend.

The mural and art action at Portsmouth Square, a central and one of the most historic parks, a gathering space and site for public demonstrations in San Francisco Chinatown. To mark Juneteenth, a day that honors Black freedom and black resistance, this event is part of a nationwide weekend of action.

With artists Vida Kuang & Related Tactics leading two large scale bilingual murals at the Portsmouth Square, Over 200 people painted collectively & shared graphics and audio to show solidarity in-person and remotely. We will be sharing some submissions we received that were either posted or played on speakers during the event. The event was amplified through English and Chinese coverage from KQED, ABC7, KPIX5, Sing Tao TV, Sing Tao Daily, and World Journal.

為了致敬黑人自由日和黑人抵抗運動的六月節,舊金山中華文化中心主辦"共享花園角"華埠“黑人的命也是命”藝術行動日,與全國掀起的各類週末運動呼應。六月二十日的週末,在三番華埠的花園角廣場, 群眾們參與並共同創作大型壁畫,與“ Black Lives Matter” (黑人的命也是命)和華人社區站在一起,尋求種族正義。

活動當日,藝術家Vida Kuang鄺楚瑩和Related Tactics領導了兩幅大型雙語作品,與此同時,來自各界的藝術家和參與者也獻出了自己的一份力,以多種形式及語言對活動進行支持。


See below for documentations from “Share the Square,” alongside submissions including audio, artwork, and bilingual resources.

Video documented by SingtaoTV


Some of the murals participants created on the Art Action day:


Cardboards were also provided for participants to deliver their messages to the world:



Submissions from the Public

To show their solidarity, many participants also submitted and shared artworks remotely in various forms to support:


To Your Assailant —Who Attacks Us All (A Rant in Progress) (Written in response to violent attacks against Asians during the Covid-19 crisis.)” “致攻击你们的人—他们在攻击我们所有人(正在进行中的咆哮 )(对新冠疫情中亚裔遭受的暴力攻击的回应)”


"Say Her Name" by Artists group Theatre for Transformation

藝術家團體Theatre for Transformation作品:說出她的名字


THE MAP 地圖 by Chun Yu 俞淳


“Dear Brother,” created by Kayan Cheung-Miaw 張嘉欣 in English and traditional Chinese


“Two Mothers,” a piece about#BLM and the Peter Liang/Akai Gurley case, created by Kayan Cheung-Miaw 張嘉欣 in English& and traditional Chinese



“Let’s not forget we are of one race, The Human Race.”


Audio submitted by Cynthia Tseng


Video submitted by Jessica Chin Foo:《After looking at a picture of an indiansisterwoman》by Ericka Huggins. Jessica Chin Foo詩朗誦。


More messages submissions, captions in individual images:


Bulletin board was also set up at the Portsmouth Square with bilingual resource submissions for the public:



Press Coverage:






Eastwind ezine


Support from: Mayor's Office of Economic Workforce and Development, Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, San Francisco Foundation, Grants for the Arts, San Francisco Arts Commission, Wells Fargo Foundation, Fleishhacker Foundation, California Humanities and the National Endowment for the Humanities CARES Relief, Phyllis C. Wattis Foundation, San Francisco Arts & Artists Relief Fund, Zellerbach Family Foundation, CCC Contemporaries

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